The term “time” appears in many contexts in our everyday lives. We can measure time and stop it, we can have it or not have it or even sleep through it or kill it. We can appreciate and enjoy time – but can we also see it?
The visualization of time in art is a fascinating theme that runs through different eras and styles. Especially at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, characterized by many innovations and upheavals, images of the past, present and future collided.
In the ‘Vienna 1900. Birth of Modernism’ collection, the tour leads from historicism with mythological and academic connections to impressionist snapshots. In Art Nouveau, the present is questioned through symbolist themes and in Expressionism, emotional expression and atmospheric landscapes become images of transience and change. The artists used various concepts to depict the fleeting and often elusive nature of time.
With sign language interpreters, we see and experience the dimensions of time in the paintings of Makart, Canon, Klimt, Schiele and Kokoschka and discover the timeless beauty of art.
Registration required. FULLY BOOKED.
Meeting point: Entrance area
Leopold Museum
The Leopold Museum houses the art collection established by Rudolf Leopold. Its highlight is the “Vienna 1900” presentation, featuring the world’s most important collection of works by Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt, Viennese Modernism, international Classical Modernism and the Wiener Werkstätte. The museum also shows special exhibitions in the context of the collection.
FULLY BOOKED: VIENNA ART WEEK FOR ALL: Tour in Austrian Sign Language of 'Vienna 1900'
9 Nov 2024/11:00-12:00H
Leopold Museum
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien, Österreich
Registration required
EGON SCHIELE, Entschwebung (Die Blinden II), 1915 © Leopold Museum, Wien