Tour de Ritual | Do the Ritual
Open Zoom, click on “Join Meeting” and enter the meeting ID 273 741 9612.
Or you can use this link, your program will open by itself:
The meeting room is open for you five minutes before the start of the event. We can both hear and see each other during the online studio visit, as long as your device is equipped with a camera and microphone. If you don’t want that, you can also mute video and audio transmission and just watch.
The participation is free of charge. We are looking forward to seeing you!
PS: The video conferencing tool Zoom is available as a free app for iPad, IPhone and Android mobile phones; for laptops and computers the link here:
If you have not already installed it, we recommend that you download it in time.
Tour de Ritual | Do the Ritual: DO THE BET
17 Nov 2020/12:00-13:00H
Click to watch the video!
Foto: Gerald Straub