Our ‘SALON FUTUR SPÉCIAL’ will focus on abstract mobility concepts and the associated artistic strategies anchored in the FUTURAMA°LAB.
As part of VIENNA ART WEEK 2024, the artistic works of the artists working at the LAB entitled ‘CARS WE LIKE’, ‘LOGISTIC GYM VIENNA’ and ‘PLAY°POOOL’ as well as the new publication by Kilian Jörg entitled ‘THE CAR AND THE ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE’ will be presented to the art-interested public.
As an introduction to the evening, the initiators of the FUTURAMA°LAB activities will provide a status report. They will talk about the year 2024 as it draws to a close and their plans for 2025.
Finally, there will be a fine vernissage of the illustration workshop ‘ABOUT SKETCHES, CARS & MOBILE PLAYFULNESS’. Cool drinks will be provided.
The FUTURAMA°LAB promotes, develops and communicates artistic creation with a focus on sustainability and ecological change in society. The LAB works worldwide with and for art institutions, foundations, universities, cultural organisations, philanthropists and companies.
SALON FUTUR SPÉCIAL - About sketches, cars and mobile playfulness
12 Nov 2024/17:00-21:00H
Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (ehem. Semperdepot)
Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Wien, Österreich
Boutique Futur - © Rainer Prohaska - Vienna 2024 - Bildrecht Wien