with the curators Maria Christine Holter and Ruth Horak
The curators Maria Christine Holter and Ruth Horak will guide you through the Bundesateliers in Westbahnstraße.The tour will include visits to the studios of Eva-Maria Eichinger, Ernst Jäger, Elisabeth Kihlström, Doris Piwonka, Michael Strasser and Sophie Thun.
Tour of the studios in Westbahnstraße
14 Nov 2021/14:00-16:00H
Due to limited space capacity we kindly ask you to register at registration@viennaartweek.at with the note "Westbahnstraße"
VIENNA ART WEEK: Open Studio Day - Bundesateliers Wattgasse (19.11.2016) http://2016.viennaartweek.at/de/open-studio | Foto: http://eSeL.at - Joanna Pianka
Rundgang durch die Ateliers in der Westbahnstraße