Talk between Prof. Elisabeth von Samsonow, Paula Flores and Marcello Farabegoli, curator of the exhibition “PARTY OF A LIFETIME” by Paula Flores.
The exhibition concept and artwork by Paula Flores will be based on SYMBIOGENESIS in physicality and on the practice of Mexican shamanic traditions. Symbiogenesis in the biological world is when two or more different organisms live in close physical contact. It brings together unlike individuals to make larger, more complex entities i.e. lichen. With this being said the artist would like to ask this: How is it possible that Western capitalist-imperialist thought, conceived predominantly by men, has enabled a part of humanity to legitimize the exploitation of enslaved and oppressed populations and groups of people, and nature no less? From this question Flores seeks ways to change, dismantle, and overcome these hierarchical conceptual constructs that can limit us in the understanding that we may have of the natural interconnectedness of the world. To do so the artist studies extraordinary ways of communication between humans and other species, such as fungi, bacteria, and plants.
This event is organized by the Friedrichshof Stadtraum Collection as part of the VIENNA ART WEEK. The exhibition “PARTY OF A LIFETIME” by Paula Flores can be seen from 5.11.-17.12.2022, Thu – Fri 16:00 – 19:00 / Sat 12:00-15:00 and with prior reservation until 18.12.2022-6.01.2023 at Kunstraum Feller, Kaiserstr. 54, 1070 Vienna. More information at
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Artist Talk with PAULA FLORES, ELISABETH VON SAMSONOW and Marcello Farabegoli
21 Nov 2022/19:00-20:30H
Kunstraum Feller (organized by Sammlung Friedrichshof Stadtraum)
Kaiserstraße 54, 1070 Wien, Österreich
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