The exhibition Ins Dunkle schwimmen presents contemporary art that explores the shaping of the individual into a creative subject under “aesthetic capitalism.” It asks for continuations and deconstructions of the hopes that modernism placed in art as a supposedly authentic expression of inner life and in creativity as a tool for improving living conditions.
The curators Robert Müller und Cosima Rainer will guide you through the exhibition.
Exact address: Schönlaterngasse 5, Staircase 8, 1st Floor, 1010 Vienna
'Ins Dunkle schwimmen. Abysses of the Creative Imperative' – Guided tour with the curators
13 Nov 2024/14:00-15:00H
Universitätsgalerie der Angewandten im Heiligenkreuzerhof
Schönlaterngasse 5, 1010 Wien, Österreich
Franz West, Liège, 1989 © Archiv Franz West, Estate Franz West, Foto: Günter König/Sigmund Freud Privatstiftung