FRANCIS RUYTER. Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
Neue Kunstverein Wien is showing the exhibition “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men”, an overview of Francis Ruyter’s more recent works as well as new ones not yet shown in Vienna and places them in a dialogue with earlier works, engaging in a critical analysis of the “American way of life”, which has been increasingly shaken by an inhuman neoliberalism. The works of Francis Ruyter gain in topicality and relevance in the face of the regulations of the Covid19 pandemic, which restrict civil rights not only in the United States, and its deep and tragic economic impact on millions of people, but also in the face of the increasing division of society beyond the United States caused by racism, violence and inequality.
Rudolf-Sallinger-Platz 1,
1030 Wien
Neuer Kunstverein Wien
Digital Exhibition Tour
19 Nov 2020/15:00-18:00H
Click to watch the video!
"Russell Lee: Sign of the Pmes. Yakima, Washington”, 2011, Acrylic on Canvas, 120 X 150 cm