An excursion of the Architekturzentrum Wien
A visit to two architecture firms that, in different ways, take the liberty of defining their profession and working methods in a broader social sense: AKT , an “association for architecture, culture and theory”, and the “Trabant” SPUTNIC.
AKT is a cross-generational collective of currently 17 people who understand architecture essentially as social communication. AKT became known for its design of the Austrian Pavilion for the Architecture Biennale in Venice 2023 (together with Hermann Czech).
Norbert Steiner / SPUTNIC combines the independence of a one-man office with event-related collaborations for teaching and construction projects. He runs his office as a hospitable alleyway pub that is also a gallery.
With Susanne Mariacher, Harald Trapp / AKT; Norbert Steiner / SPUTNIC. Moderated by Maria Welzig, Az W.
Meeting point: Rüdigergasse 8, 1050 Vienna
Museumsplatz 1 im MuseumsQuartier (Eingang Volkstheater), 1070 Wien
Architekturzentrum Wien
The Az W shows, discusses and investigates how architecture and urban development shape our daily life. Its program encompasses international themed exhibitions, a permanent exhibition of Austrian architecture, and a total of over 500 events each year including lectures, city excursions, film screenings, and hands-on formats.
FULLY BOOKED: Visit at the studios of Architekturkollektiv AKT & "Trabant" SPUTNIC
8 Nov 2024/15:00-17:00H
Rüdigergasse 8, 1050 Wien, Österreich
Registration required
Architekturkollektiv AKT & Hermann Czech, Foto: Theresa Wey