Based on the architecture of decommissioned nuclear power plants, Imran Channa and Kateryna Lysovenko research the post-anthropogenic landscape. Human desire and technological development show the consequences on the biosphere, causing devastation and the disappearance of many creatures. Using artificial intelligence, digital software as well as large-scale analogue drawing and painting, Imran Channa and Kateryna Lysovenko create ‘A Fable for Tomorrow’, – a new landscape from which humans have disappeared, but where seeds of new life are emerging.
philomena+ acts as a networking platform for artists and people interested in cultural policies from Austria and the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa). In this context, philomena+ organizes public art projects, exhibitions, artists’ residencies, workshops, lectures, study trips and relevant publication projects.
9 Nov 2024/18:00-21:00H
Heinestraße 40, 1020 Wien, Österreich
Imran Channa & Kateryna Lysovenko, A Fable for Tomorrow, philomena+, image by AI