7-14 NOV 2025

20 Years of VIENNA ART WEEK – Get Your Anniversary Publication Now!

To celebrate its 20th anniversary, VIENNA ART WEEK, in collaboration with the publishing house FALTER VERLAG, presents a captivating publication:

A fascinating look at two decades of Vienna’s art scene and the evolution of the festival – informative, engaging, and inspiring. In German and English.

Vienna’s leading art institutions – Exclusive studio insights – Top galleries & independent spaces – Event highlights

Secure your copy now and dive into 20 years of art history!

Click here for your copy

Every year, VIENNA ART WEEK shines a spotlight on Vienna’s vibrant art scene. Together with around 70 program partners, the festival offers a week of inspiring art from the present to the Baroque with free admission.

VIENNA ART WEEK sees itself as a joint platform of the Viennese art community and is based on a cooperation of Viennese art institutions, art universities, galleries, independent art spaces, and artists that is unique worldwide.

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Looking back at: VIENNA ART WEEK 2024
Facing time
8-15 NOV 2024

In 2024, VIENNA ART WEEK celebrated a big anniversary – the 20th edition of the festival took place from November 8 to 15.

The theme, FACING TIME, invited the visitors to explore art and the phenomena of our time from a variety of perspectives.

It was wonderful to celebrate the arts together with you.

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7-14 NOV 2025
Dom Museum Wien: Gespräch zum 50. Todestag von Otto Mauer (Vienna Art Week, 16.11.2023) Foto: eSeLat - Christian Tietge
VIENNA ART WEEK 2023: House of Inciting Passion (10.11. - 17.11.2023) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
Vienna Art Week 2019: Making Truth -  Current Dynamics of the Global Art Market (Dorotheum, 21.11.2019) https://www.viennaartweek.at/de/vienna-art-week-2019/programm/#1978 | Foto: eSeL
VIENNA ART WEEK 2023: Lecture Tino Sehgal (Universität für angewandte Kunst, 14.11.2023) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
VIENNA ART WEEK 2023: House of Inciting Passion (10.11. - 17.11.2023) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
VIENNA ART WEEK / Nitsch Foundation: Synästhesieraum des O.M.Theaters (23.11.2022) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
Vienna Art Week 2023: Nocturnal (Com)Passion Performance (Jesuitenkirche, 15.11.2023) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
VIENNA ART WEEK / Universität für Angewandte Kunst: Friedl Dicker-Brandeis. Buchpräsentation & Symposium (22.11.2022) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
Vienna Art Week / Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien : Führung Tizian (17.11.2021) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
das weisse haus: „and so on“ (Eröffnung Vienna Art Week, 24.11.2022 - 4.2.2023) Foto: eSeL.at - Joanna Pianka
VIENNA ART WEEK 2023: Inciting Passion Line Up 2023:
VIENNA ART WEEK / IG Bildende Kunst: IG Editionen Hängung #3. Eröffnung (24.11.2022) Foto: eSeL.at - Joanna Pianka
Fotogalerie Wien: VIENNA ART WEEEK Werkschau Andrea van der Straeten (10.11.2023) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
VIENNA ART WEEK / Albertina Modern: Führung
Vienna Art Week: Wild Spoerri Rosenstein (Akademie der bild. Kunst Wien @ Hotel am Brillantengrund, 19.11. - 25.11.2019) https://esel.cc/akbild_SpoerriRosenstein | Foto: Joanna Pianka
Vienna Art Week 2023: Nocturnal (Com)Passion Performance (Jesuitenkirche, 15.11.2023) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
VIENNA ART WEEK 2022: House of Challenging Orders. Exhibition (Wiedner Hauptstrasse 142, 19.11. - 25.11.2022) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
VIENNA ART WEEK / Künstlerhaus Wien: Contrapunct: Etwas zu sagen?! (23.11.2022) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
VIENNA ART WEEK 2023: House of Inciting Passion (10.11. - 17.11.2023) Foto: eSeL.at - Lorenz Seidler
VIENNA ART WEEK 2023: „AzW Sammlung für alle
das weisse haus: „and so on“ (Eröffnung Vienna Art Week, 24.11.2022 - 4.2.2023) Foto: eSeL.at - Joanna Pianka